About Me

I am an Applied Mathematics PhD student in the Stokes Cluster of the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway, studying nonsmooth dynamical systems with stochastic noise under the supervision of Dr Petri Piiroinen.

My research is funded by a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship from the Irish Research Council.

Curriculum Vitae: Eoghan's CV (Last Updated February 2019). Erdos Collaboration Network

Contact Me

Email: eoghan.staunton@nuigalway.ie.

Research Gate: Eoghan Staunton.

LinkedIn: Eoghan Staunton.

Office: First Floor, Hardiman Research Building, NUI Galway.

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics,
National University of Ireland, Galway,
University Road, Galway, Ireland.
