BMC 2009/IMS
Joint Meeting of the 61
British Mathematical Colloquium and
the 22
Annual Meeting of the Irish Mathematical Society
National University of Ireland Galway, 6-9 April, 2009
Plenary speakers
David Eisenbud (UC Berkeley)
Ron Graham (UC San Diego)
Ben Green (Cambridge)
Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M)
Frances Kirwan (Oxford)
Morning speakers include
Jürgen Berndt (UCC Cork)
Tony Carbery (Edinburgh)
Rod Gow (UCD Dublin)
Martin Kilian (UCC Cork)
Ian Leary (Ohio)
Tom Laffey (UCD Dublin)
Martin Mathieu (Belfast)
Éamonn O'Brien (Auckland)
Lars Olsen (St Andrews)
Hinke Osinga (Bristol)
Reidun Twarock (York)
Dominic Welsh (Oxford)
Public Lecture
Tom Körner (Cambridge)
Special Sessions
Computational Algebra
Mathematics Education Research
Postgraduate Conference and Poster Session, April 6
Satellite conference at Queen's University Belfast, 14-17 April 2009:
3rd International Workshop on Elementary Operators and their Applications