26th May 2017
NUI Galway
Contact: siam.nuig@gmail.com

The 6th National Student Chapter Conference of the UKIE Section of SIAM took place on Friday 26 May 2017 at the National University of Ireland, Galway. The aim of the conference was to bring together research students from different universities, giving them the chance to broaden their horizons and see what other students in their research area are working on.
The conference consisted of two plenary talks, contributed talks by students, a poster session, and a roundtable discussion on careers, chaired by Dr Sinéad Burke, Research Manager at MACSI, University of Limerick.
Five Science Foundation Ireland Prizes of €100 were presented for the best talks and best posters.
Last year's conference was organised by the Cardiff University Chapter. Information on previous conferences can be found on the SIAM UKIE website.
Dr Léa Deleris (IBM Dublin Research Lab) and Prof. Patrick Farrell (University of Oxford) were plenary speakers at the conference.
Léa Deleris received M.S. degrees in Economic Systems from Ecole Polytechnique (France) in 1999 and in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2001. She joined IBM Research in 2006 just after graduating from Stanford University with a PhD in Management Science and Engineering.
Patrick Farrell is an EPSRC Early Career Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing at the University of Oxford. He works on the numerical solution of partial differential equations, with a particular focus on adaptive techniques that can exploit anisotropy, the automated derivation of adjoint models, and the computation of multiple solutions of nonlinear problems. He is a graduate of NUI Galway.
The event was generously supported by Science Foundation Ireland, SIAM, the Irish Mathematical Society, the Stokes Cluster of the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway, and the NUI Galway Mathematics Society.
This conference adheres to and supports the SIAM Statement on Inclusiveness.

Conference Updates
01/02/2017: Registration and abstract submission is now available via the form below.
14/03/2017: The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 14 April at 6pm.
20/03/2017: Travel Support. Thanks to generous support from SIAM, we will offer travel awards of €150 for one representative from each UK-based chapter to attend and present a talk or poster. We invite each UK-based chapter to nominate a representative, who should submit a talk/poster abstract as soon as possible.
In addition, a further 10 travel awards of €150 will be made available for students from outside Ireland to attend and present a talk or poster, thanks to generous support from Science Foundation Ireland. These latter awards are open to all, and are not restricted to SIAM members. The deadline for award applications was Friday 14 April.
18/05/2017: Registration is now closed.
18/05/2017: The book of abstracts and schedule for the conference are now available here.
29/05/2017: Thanks to all who took part! Congratulations to the prize winners: Alex Safar and Denis Patterson for best talks, and Danny Groves, Aoife O'Neill and Malgorzata Wieteska for best posters. Most of the relevant tweets are archived under the tag #SNSCC17. Photos can be found on our Facebook page.
The 2018 'National' Student Chapter Conference (#SNSCC18) will be hosted by the SIAM Chapter at Bath.

Organizing Committee
Paul Greaney (Chapter President)
Christine Marshall (Chapter Vice-President)
Eoghan Staunton (Chapter Secretary)
Robert Mangan (Chapter Treasurer)
Niall Madden (Faculty Advisor)
Faiza Alssaedi
Richard Burke
Hannah Conroy Broderick
Roberto Galizia
Róisín Hill
Vinh Mai
Cian O'Brien
Qays Shakir
Michael Welby