Dane Flannery
Personal Professor in Mathematics
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Galway, Ireland
E-mail: dane.flannery@universityofgalway.ie
Linear (matrix) groups
Classifying finite monomial groups in characteristic zero and any prime degree; an implementation
Experimenting with symplectic hypergeometric monodromy groups
Long survey on linear groups and computation (2018; outdated)
Algorithms for arithmetic groups with the congruence subgroup property
Short survey on computing with matrix groups over infinite fields (2009)
Early steps in computing with matrix groups over infinite fields 1, 2, 3
Magma chapter on computing with matrix groups over infinite fields
The GAP package Nilmat
Algebraic design theory
Computational aspects of thin groups IMS, Singapore, June 3–July 14, 2024. Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Problems
6th Workshop on Algebraic Designs, Hadamard Matrices & Quanta Kraków, June 27–July 2, 2022. Video
Computational Aspects of Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups ICERM, June 14–18, 2021
Computational and algorithmic methods Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, January 27–31, 2020
Fifth de Brún Workshop
Third de Brún Workshop on Computational Algebra
PI of three Science Foundation Ireland Research Frontiers Programme awards: 11/RFP/MTH3212, 08/RFP/MTH1331, and RFP05/MAT0008
Co-PI of a Science Foundation Ireland Mathematics Initiative 2007 award, 07/MI/007
PI of two Irish Research Council New Foundations awards (A new foundation for matrix group algorithms, 2014; Matrix groups: algorithms and applications, 2015)
Doctoral and Masters students
Dr Tobias Rossmann (PhD 2011, co-supervised with Dr Alla Detinko)
In memoriam Laci Kovács, Warwick de Launey